Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Autism Books

While there are a few days left in April, thought I'd blog a little more about autism/Asperger's syndrome. Through the years of dealing with autism/Asperger's I've come across some of these books and others. Just want to share a few with you.
Any book by Dr. Temple Grandin
She is a noted autistic who is an author, speaker, cited expert in many publications, and video producer.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
I started to read this book and it just hit too close to home. I couldn't bring myself to read the whole book.
Asperger's and Girls
Never read this book (maybe because I have a boy), but looks good.
Autism-Asperger's & Sexuality.
Puberty and Beyond
This book is really good. My son has a very difficult time discussing these subjects. I bought him the book and gave it to him. He said "no thanks" and gave it back. One day I went in his room and laid it on the night stand. Next time I checked it was gone. Have never seen it since. I told him to just take a look through it when he felt like it. I don't know if he ever did or not. But, I did read the book and thought it was really good. I have been able to use different ways to talk with him about puberty and sex. Since he is very fact oriented, I know he grasps the basics of the whole subject. It's the relationships that go along with this that he stumbles over. As with many autism/Asperger's people I needed to be very blunt. Especially when it came to slang terms associated with sex. I needed to explain words to him that I suppose most kids learn from their peers.
This book is written by a married autistic/Asperger's couple.
Different Like Me
My Book of Autism Heroes
This is a really neat book for kids.

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

Isn't it wonderful we live in a time when such helpful books exist.